
Do you and your colleagues want to know more about HABLABLAMOS and the web series Chévere? We are more than happy to share our thoughts!

Denna bild har ett alt-attribut som är tomt. Dess filnamn är hablablamos600GIF.gif

-How to use ¡Chévere! in the classroom
-What exercises are connected to the series?
-Using film as an audiovisual and pedagogical tool in language teaching
-Language learning with pedagogical music

Is there anything else you would like to know?

Please write us an email!

May 29, Spanish Teachmeet Sweden
La Fuerza del norte
“¡Chévere- la serie” (Youtube)

Spanish Teachmeet on Facebook

October 16, VATS (Australien and New Zealand)
Victorian Teaching and Learning Congress: Anchors and sails for effective Teaching & learning of the Spanish language

Spanish using music: Hablablamos will share their visions on teaching Spanish as a live experience. They will also focus on producing pedagogical songs and videos and will take us through on how to use ¡Chévere! in the classroom

VATS on Facebook
